Seward & Kissel Leads Two M&A Deals Recognized as Winners of Marine Money’s 2018 “Deal of the Year” Awards
May 28, 2019
Seward & Kissel’s Business Transactions Group is pleased to have represented clients in two deals recognized by Marine Money as winners of it 2018 Deal of the Year Awards, one as 2018’s M&A Deal of the Year and the other as the 2018 Wildcard Deal of the Year. This is the fourth time in five years that transactions handled by the Firm have been selected as M&A Deal of the Year.
The awards epitomize one of the key missions of Marine Money – to highlight the dealmakers who execute key transactions and explain why deals matter to the evolving marketplace and profession – and Seward & Kissel is proud to be consistently at the forefront of the most important M&A transactions in the industry each year.
The M&A Deal of the Year for 2018 was the merger between Global Ship Lease (NYSE: GSL) and Seward & Kissel client Poseidon Containers, a stock-for-stock merger transaction representing a total transaction value of over $780 million on an asset value basis and creating a leading containership owner with a fleet of 38 vessels.
The Wildcard Deal of the Year for 2018 was International Seaways’ acquisition of six VLCCs from Gener8 Maritime for a total consideration of $434 million. This transaction was negotiated by Seward & Kissel client Euronav NV (NYSE:EURN) to occur immediately after the completion of its acquisition of Gener8 Maritime (Nasdaq: GNRT) in a stock-for-stock-merger that made Euronav the largest independent large crude tanker operator in the world with a fleet of 76 vessels and a market capitalization of approximately $2 billion.
To view the complete listing of awards, please visit: