Seward & Kissel Receives the Her Justice Law Firm Award for 2016

March 22, 2016

Her Justice acknowledged Seward & Kissel with the award and stated:

Seward & Kissel has been one of our strongest supporters since 2009. The firm does not hesitate to take on challenging, litigated cases in both Family and Supreme Court. In fact, the firm welcomes these compelling cases as an opportunity for their associates to assist Her Justice clients in dire circumstances and grow as litigators. During fiscal year 2015, the firm donated 2,204 hours of pro bono service to Her Justice cases. Seward & Kissel was the first signatory to our Supreme Court Project, signing on to handle no fewer than five litigated divorce cases at any one time. In further support of our work, the firm graciously hosts regular trainings and staff meetings for us. It is our utmost pleasure to honor the firm for their commitment to justice and their dedication to ensuring that low income women in New York have true access to safety and financial security.


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